Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My birthday boy.

I met Greg in January 1994 and married him in April 1995. Like all people we have had some rough times. We lived through the suicides of his brother and two of my cousins, the miscarriages of three children, his shoulder surgery, and my many battles with health. Through all of it Greg has remained strong. He has been the grounding force in our marriage. During the long days when I could barely crawl out of bed he kicked in to caretaker mode. He loved me, he cared for our children, cooked for us and allowed me to cry when I needed to. After the losses of our children he helped me to say my goodbyes. My husband is funny, though many don't see it. He is astoundingly bright, and even more loyal. He is strong, kind, committed to us. And to the kids he teaches. Greg is a teacher. I love that his students become part of the fabric of our lives. Many of them don't know me... but I know them. And I love them because Greg loves them. He is a teacher in the best sense of the word. They are lucky to have him. He is a friend. A dad. A thinker. A reader. A man. Best of all he is mine. My husband. I like him, and I love him.