Sunday, January 3, 2010

One Little Word ... 2010.

A friend shared with me the fact that each year she chooses a word by which to direct her life. A theme, if you will. I love the idea and so beginning in November I began thinking about what my word should be. Right away I knew I needed a VERB. Active, not reactive. Something that would inspire and motivate but without the 'should' attached. I believe that people fail at resolutions so often because they choose things which have that word attached, and which easily result in guilt. Based on that I quickly tossed the word 'organize' which was top of my list. (I need to get organized.) I then tossed 'simplify' because in my mind I defined it similarly to 'organize'. Next I considered and tossed 'be', which felt a bit too existential. In the end, I have chosen the word 'DO'. I want to be present in my choices and active in my life. "DO' seems to fit.


Anonymous said...

I found your blog through the networked blogs discussion board, I like it! I'm working on getting organized myself, have a DIY project I'm gearing up for to repaint an old dresser to put into my bedroom.
I'm following you know and would love for you to check out my blog and please share a comment.

maggieinthemountains said...